Vase 20
Right volume. Innovative design.
Flowerpots are designed to be easily removable, and their handle turns out to be natural thanks to the petal design.
- Suitable for
Seeding, germination, starting trunk and leef growth. Medium plants that can be grow in small space - Small dimension
Lightweight and easy to move, if set stagger give to your plants an extra vertical space to grow up - No more stagnant water
No more stockpiled flowerpots on your floor, no more stagnant water or flowerpot dishes - Integrated water recycled system
Walls and floors always clean and dry - Quick fixing system
A single slot allows hooking / unhooking the flowerpots to the structure in a reversible way - Drainage and airing
A little stainless steel sheet allows the correct water drainage and ensures the right soil and root airing - Heavy-duty and recyclable
Made out of iron and stainless steel – Surface Finish with powder paint
Flowerpots allow the growth of:
- Herbs as Mint – Rosemary – Parsley – Oregano – Basil – Chives
- Indoor or outdoor plants as Cyclamen – Geranium – Primrose – Tillandsia – Daisy – Lavender
- Fruit plants and vegetables as Strawberry – Tomato – Garlic – Onion – Chilli Pepper – Salad
- Climbing plants as Ivy – Grapevine – Passion fruit
- Any type of fat plants, cactus and bonsai